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Digital Economy Antitrust: Congress Aims Big, But Inflicts the Pain on Small Businesses

Small businesses – beware! Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Charles Grassley (R-IA) are pushing to have a vote in a matter of weeks on S.2992, the bad-for-small business, intentionally misnamed “American Innovation and Choice Online Act”(AICOA). The stated intent of this legislation is to limit the growth of America’s most successful digital companies; but the…

June 2, 2022

3C Webinar Top 10 Q&As

Recently, the Connected Commerce Council (3C) hosted a webinar attended by more than 1,000 small business leaders. 3C leadership, digital marketing experts and small business owners shared their grave concerns about how “anti-Big Tech” legislation being considered by Congress will hurt small businesses that use digital tools and services to operate and grow.  Click here…

February 4, 2022

U.S. Senate Legislation Will Hurt Small Businesses

Congress has helped millions of small businesses during COVID, with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and targeted assistance for restaurants and other businesses for example. But now, two years into the pandemic and amidst another surge, Congress is about to whack small businesses, because they seemingly are not paying attention.  Later this month the U.S.…

January 13, 2022

Five Tips For Small Businesses To Maximize Holiday Sales

As small business sellers prepare for a busy holiday season, the Connected Commerce Council today released five tips to help small businesses reach more customers and maximize sales during the holiday sales. 3C’s five tips for maximizing sales are:   Diversity sales methods A new study shows that small businesses that use several ways of selling…

November 23, 2021

Congressional Misfire Will Crush Small Businesses

As Congress considers legislation to forcibly intervene in product design decisions in the digital economy, America’s digitally-powered small businesses should be deeply concerned. Many lawmakers are picking sides on behalf of some big companies over others. In their zeal to tear down digital leaders, they are blind to millions of small businesses that those platforms…

October 22, 2021

Antitrust: When You Change the Model, You Change the Math for American Small Businesses

American small businesses should be deeply concerned about Congress’ desire to dramatically alter the rules regarding e-commerce. While Rep. Cicilline and his Judiciary Committee colleagues contend they are trying to “restore a competitive marketplace, enhance innovation, and protect our democracy,” their real goal is to punish America’s leading tech companies for their success based on…

August 3, 2021

Introducing: 3C’s Digitally Driven Assessment Tool

At 3C, we understand the valuable role digital tools play in acting as a lifeline to small businesses everywhere. Throughout the course of the pandemic, we’ve realized these tools served as a Digital Safety Net – and as the country emerges from COVID-19, businesses everywhere are relying on online tools and services to recover, grow and…

July 23, 2021

Celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Small Businesses

Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) businesses represent a robust sector of the small business community. According to the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development, there are nearly 2 million Asian-owned small businesses in the U.S., with almost half having fewer than 20 employees and 19% in the accommodations and food services industry.…

May 7, 2021

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