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3C Webinar Top 10 Q&As

As part of the #SummerofSmallBizAdvocacy, hundreds of small business leaders attended our webinar on “Unleashing the Power of Advocacy for Your Small Business.” The webinar featured an esteemed panel of small business owners from the 3C Community who passionately shared their perspectives about the importance of advocacy and encouraged others to get involved. 

Click here to watch a video recording of the webinar.

Many small businesses submitted questions to us, wanting to learn more about advocacy and the policy issues that impact small businesses. In this blog post, we’ll answer the Top 10 questions that were submitted, covering a range of topics, from the importance of advocacy to the specific policy issues that impact small businesses. 

Whether you’re new to advocacy or you’re a seasoned expert, we hope you’ll find this information helpful. And if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

1. What issues can small businesses weigh in on with elected officials?

Elected officials want to know what issues affect your business the most and what they can do to make your life easier. When talking to an elected official, it’s essential to let them know the value of your business to the community, how you successfully leverage digital tools and online platforms, and what Congress must do to keep a friendly business environment.

2. There was a ton of great information today about a bunch of different bills being considered right now by Congress that, if passed, could adversely impact my business. I tried taking notes on the different policy topics to watch, but can I get a summary of this information? 

Yes! Check out our Small Business Advocacy Toolkit, which contains information about the critical policy issues affecting small businesses, as well as easy and effective ways for small businesses to connect with lawmakers and take action. You don’t have to be an expert on each of these policy topics, but with this helpful information, you’ll be better equipped to talk about them.

3. Do lawmakers understand that the bills mentioned in this webinar, like the AMERICA Act and the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA), would harm small businesses rather than help us?

Every issue is a small business issue, but unfortunately, some lawmakers are so focused on the idea that “big is bad” and the need to “do something” they are missing that small businesses would be collateral damage to their efforts. That’s why it’s crucial for small businesses to get involved and share their concerns so legislators can understand how bills might impact small businesses’ bottom lines. With over 32 million small businesses in America today (representing 99.9% of all U.S. businesses), they are the backbone of our economy. If even a portion of these small businesses reached out to their lawmakers, it would make a significant difference in helping decision-makers grasp the real-world impact of proposed legislation. 

4. What would be the cost to small businesses if Congress passes the AICOA?

A recent study revealed that small businesses would lose $500 billion in revenue – or $100,000 each – over the first five years if AICOA became law. If passed in its current form, digital tools such as online advertising, business software like Google Workspace, and services like Google Analytics could become more expensive and harder to use. 

5. If I want to meet with my lawmaker, how do I go about doing that?

Check out our Small Business Advocacy Toolkit, where you can learn how you can reach out and meet with your lawmakers. Start by following your lawmakers on social media or even contact their district office to schedule a meeting with them. Sign up for their newsletters and keep an eye out for any events in your community, such as town hall meetings or other open forums, to attend. You can also check the lawmakers’ website for details about their schedule or with your local Chamber of Commerce or other business groups for other events. Reach out to us via email, and we can help you coordinate a meeting. 

6. I am a founder and would like to get involved in advocacy and policy change. Where do I start?

After you access your Advocacy Toolkit, reach out to us to find out other ways you can get involved. Sign up to join the 3C Community to connect with other small business leaders. You can also follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram for helpful resources and great opportunities to get involved. 

7. I want to get more involved in advocacy, but I don’t think I want to get involved in advocacy related to every single policy topic mentioned in this webinar today. Is that alright, and how can I narrow down which issues are most important to my business?

Absolutely! Keeping track of all the policy issues out there can be overwhelming, but the good news is that you don’t have to track every single issue. Focus on the ones that really matter to you and your business. That way, you can put all your energy and passion into making a real impact where it counts. 

And guess what? At 3C, we’re your partners in your advocacy journey. We’re here to support you every step of the way. We’re more than happy to schedule an introductory meeting with you to learn more about your business and your story and talk to you more specifically about how you can embark on your advocacy journey in a way that aligns with your policy priorities as a small business leader. Just email us at, and we’ll find a time to sit down with you.

8. Thank you for hosting this webinar today. Will 3C have any more events like these in the future?

Yes! We host several small business networking, advocacy, and education events throughout the year. Keep an eye out for upcoming events in our monthly 3C Insider newsletter. Our events are all about opportunities to connect, learn, and advocate for the issues that matter most to your small business.  

9. I’m excited about getting involved with small business advocacy. Is this something I can share on my social media channels? 

Absolutely! If you post on social media, use the hashtags #AllAboutAdvocacy and #SummerofSmallBizAdvocacy. Don’t forget to tag the Connected Commerce Council! We love to engage with small businesses on social media! Check out the section of our advocacy toolkit for some sample social posts to get started. 

10. Does 3C offer any other resources for small business leaders? 

Yes! Check out 3C University (3CU), our free online learning platform we’ve designed just for small businesses. We have several courses on there that you can enroll in, including “Quickbooks Basics for Small Businesses,” “Engage Your Customers,” and “Scale Your Workforce.” You can access all of these courses and more at

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