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Spreading Positivity through Digital Storytelling

New York, NY

Ese Ofurhie of Bronx, NY, noticed that stories of perseverance and success often don’t get enough attention in the media. Ready to leave the corporate world, she launched ENSPIRE Magazine in 2012, a digital and print publication that highlights inspiring stories about overcoming obstacles, giving back to communities, and succeeding against all odds. 

Digital tools and technology helped Ese turn her dream of spreading positivity into a reality. Google’s free AdSense tool makes selling digital advertising on her website easy and effective. Google AdSense teaches her about ad placement and inventory and matches her ads on her site based on ENSPIRE’s content and visitors. Ese also works with SHE Media Collective, a company that provides digital advertising tools to women and minority-owned publishers, to sell even more advertising and generate more revenue.

ENSPIRE is thriving because of digital advertising, but recent data privacy legislation threatens to disrupt the digital advertising industry in New York. If small ad publishers like Ese can’t collect and analyze valuable data, generating revenue will become harder and could put Ese’s future in serious jeopardy.

To find out more about ENSPIRE’s work and mission, check out their digital magazine:

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