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Digital Advertising Experts Voice Concerns Ahead of DOJ Google Ads Trial

WASHINGTON (September 5, 2024): Digital advertising experts and small business owners today held a press conference to voice concerns about the United States v. Google LLC display ads trial starting Sept. 9. The group emphasized the value of Google’s integrated display ads system, and shared their fears that breaking the system apart would hurt small businesses and publishers. 

Press conference participants included LaKita Anderson, founder of recipe publisher Simply LaKita; Beth Egan, Syracuse University associate professor of advertising; Salil Gandhi, owner of digital marketing firm SBO Buzz; and Pavlo Prannyk, co-founder of olpr. Leather Goods Co.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Google in January 2023, alleging its presence on both the buy- and sell-side of the digital display ads market is an illegal monopoly that increases prices and stifles competition. The Department seeks to dismantle the company. 

Conference participants said Google’s scale and dual presence allow it to offer efficiencies that save small businesses time and money, and that its advertising tools are highly effective.

“Digital display ads help small businesses reach customers and compete with larger businesses,” said Egan, who has over 25 years of advertising industry and academic experience. “Google’s easy-to-use display ads system makes those ads affordable and accessible to small businesses. It makes little sense to break up a system that provides so much value, especially when there’s no obvious workable alternative.”

Participants said there are many digital advertising options, and that small businesses choose to use Google’s display ads because they deliver the best results. 

“I help small businesses develop advertising strategies to grow and compete, and display ads are just one of several ad types my clients might use,” said Gandhi, an online marketing consultant. “Google’s display ad network is often the best option for clients’ needs and budgets.”

Participants said the current digital advertising landscape, including display ads, works for small businesses and disrupting it would do more harm than good. 

“I sell unique leather goods exclusively online, so I rely on digital display ads to get my products in front of the right audience and drive sales,” said Prannyk. “Google’s display ads give me the best bang for my buck. If they become more expensive, less effective, or harder to set up, it will force me to raise prices.”

Google’s system also seamlessly connects small business display-ad-space-buyers with display-ad-space sellers — often small, independent publishers or local business websites. 

“I used to spend more time finding businesses for sponsored content than actually working on my recipes, so I turned to Google Ads to help save me time, money, and headaches,” said publisher Anderson. “If the DOJ breaks up Google and decreases display ads’ value, my advertisers will invest their money elsewhere and jeopardize my bottom line.”

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