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Mooresville Small Business Leader Recognized as 3C Congressional Champion

WASHINGTON (May 7, 2024): Pavlo Prannyk, owner of Mooresville, NC-based olpr. Leather Goods Co, last week met with officials from Rep. Patrick McHenry’s (R-NC) office to explain the vital role digital tools play in his business. He also voiced concern about policy proposals that could hurt small businesses like his by making such tools more expensive and less effective. 

Prannyk’s visit, which coincided with National Small Business Week, reflected small business leaders’ desire that proposed laws governing data privacy and artificial intelligence (AI) not only provide consumer protections, but also allow small businesses to continue growing and thriving. New research shows that 63% of small business leaders believe AI tools help level the playing field for businesses of all sizes, and 47% identify data security as a top issue they think Congress should address. 

“It was such an honor to meet with Sen. McHenry’s staff and demonstrate how important digital tools are to running and growing my business,” said Prannyk. “I hope Congress understands my concerns and works hard to pass laws that give small business owners peace of mind, not sleepless nights.” 

Prannyk was one of over twenty small business leaders who came to Washington from across the country to meet with representatives from dozens of U.S. Congressional offices.

“Small businesses are essential to the nation’s economy, so it’s extremely important that Congress understands their perspective and addresses their concerns,” said Rob Retzlaff, 3C Executive Director. “Pavlo is a fantastic example of the millions of creative, resilient, hard-working American small business leaders out there. We commend him for his willingness to reach out to Congressional leaders, speak up on behalf of small businesses, and help ensure small business success.”

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