Statement from Small Business Group Regarding Accusation that Amazon Favors House Brands in Consumer Search Results
Oct. 19, 2021, WASHINGTON: Connected Commerce Council (3C) Executive Director Rob Retzlaff made the following statement regarding The Markup’s accusations that Amazon is favoring its own products in consumer search results:
“For decades, department stores, grocery stores, and specialty retailers have marketed private-label products in their stores and on their websites. All modern retailers gather consumer data to determine private-label brand strategy, including pricing and product placement. These products are historically a more affordable alternative that benefits consumers and the market. So it should not surprise anyone when online retailers do the same to determine pricing and negotiate virtual shelf space with sellers and vendors.
“Unlike traditional retailers, Amazon provides extraordinary marketing opportunities and global reach to even the smallest businesses. It’s easy to get products onto Amazon’s digital shelves and there are meaningful advertising and promotional options for businesses of every size. Moreover, Amazon is the only major retailer with rules against using individual seller data to promote their own products.
“Amazon’s benefits to millions of small businesses, the reach, the marketing opportunities, the ease of use for buyers, far outweighs the concerns with private-label products for the vast majority of small businesses.”