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Digitally-Powered Career Coaching Success

Valerie Martinelli – Valerie Martinelli Consulting (VMC)
Waterbury, CT

Outside of her 9-to-5 job, Valerie Martinelli had a passion and knack for helping her friends with their careers — guiding them through resume edits, negotiating salaries, and making pivotal career decisions.

In 2016, Valerie transformed this innate talent for career guidance into a full-fledged consulting business. Based in Waterbury, CT, Valerie’s career coaching service assists those pursuing mid to senior-level positions, helping them pursue their dream jobs.  

Building a client base in career coaching can be difficult, so Valerie invested in digital advertising from the outset to attract clients. She attributes her success in finding clients to Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads. Digital ads allow Valerie to connect with people effectively, affordably, and instantaneously. Paired with an active social media presence and client testimonials, digital tools have been instrumental in expanding her business

However, Valerie’s success is threatened by proposed laws like the AMERICA Act. This bill could disrupt the digital advertising ecosystem, jeopardizing the tools that have been critical to Valerie’s business growth. Valerie hopes legislators realize the immense value digital advertising offers small businesses and don’t do anything to upend a system that works.

To find out more about Valerie’s career coaching, check out:

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